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Key Events Highlight

The chamber is actively inviting everyone to come and join us in our activities. Checkout our upcoming events and learn more about the Chamber's activities and plans.

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What Can We Do To Help Your Business Succeed

A man in a suit and tie is talking with a speech bubble above his head.


Establishing and nurturing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with the people you meet, whether you're waiting to order your morning coffee, participating in an intramural sports league, or attending a work conference.

A blue piggy bank with a euro sign on it.

Business Planning

From startups to established enterprises, we provide expert guidance, resources, and networking opportunities to help your business thrive in today's dynamic market. Success starts here with The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce, your trusted partner in business planning.

An icon of a certificate and a calendar with a check mark.

Promotions & Ribbon Cuttings

As part of becoming a member, The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce will showcase both your business and your celebration, we help you promote your announcement through a featured blog article, and social posts. If you are having an in-person ribbon cutting ceremony, we will even provide the giant scissors and satin ribbon!

Join the Chamber
Lisa Farquharson


Mission & Strategic Objectives

To provide value to our members through advocacy and leadership, promoting a positive environment for business, tourism, community, and education. By being the voice of business, promoting collaboration and helping members grow.

Lisa Farquharson



Business Community Members

Champion MEMBERS

Convener MEMBERS

Cultivator MEMBERS

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